What are Chakras
Understanding body energy

There are 7 Chakras to the Endocrine System, I’ll start with the Root Chakra color of red. Sense is smell, Element is fire, Emotion is insecure.  Sacral Plexus Chakra color of orange, Sense is taste, Element is water, Emotion is over indulge. Solar Plexus Chakra color is yellow, Sense is sight, Element is earth, Emotion is stress. Heart Chakra color is green, Sense is touch, Element is heart, Emotion is unbalanced. Throat Chakra color is blue, Sense is hearing, Element is air, Emotion is ignorance. Third Eye Chakra color is indigo, Sense is thought, Element is wood, Emotion is fear. Crown Chakra color is violet/white (depending) Sense is sensory, Element is metal, Emotion is confusion. In the end all we need is lovely care.

These are just a few of there meanings, and some online are wrong.

