Body pain can be caused by many different things, repetitive work movements, stress, depression, lack of massage, lack of stretching or cardio. It also can be a pathology, fibromyalgia, injury, past surgery, dislocation, nerve damage, stomach issues, and so many more. Seeing a doctor first about a major pain issue is best. When you fill out a intake form it asked you about certain problems you may have. There are some reasons you may not be able to get massage, cancer, acute seizures, and many more. Getting a doctor’s approval though a therapist talking to the doctor can let the therapists know it’s safe. In most other cases massage can help many pain related issues, and advice on posture, eating habits, or vitamins can relieve them from reoccurring. Ice is the best thing to use for pain, because of inflammation. Just 10 to 15 minutes on the muscle area or joint can help relieve the pressure to heal. One of the things I will always explain to clients.
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